Available Anywhere

Tailored privacy solutions, exceptional quality.

24/7 Support

Round-the-clock assistance, guidance.

Certified Advisors

Certified privacy experts, profound insights.

Introducing the Privacy Dash Portal

Streamline your privacy management with Privacy Dash

Say goodbye to the Privacy Playbook and hello to the Privacy Dash Portal – a comprehensive platform designed to centralize all your privacy management needs. Our innovative portal enables seamless planning, project execution, and access to our extensive range of privacy services. Privacy Dash ensures a user-friendly experience while maintaining the highest standards of data protection and compliance.

  • Centralized platform for privacy management and planning
  • User-friendly interface for seamless execution
  • Access a wide array of privacy services in one place
  • Maintain data protection and compliance standards
Managed Privacy Canada's Privacy Dash Portal.
Privacy as a competitive advantage

Embrace the power of privacy management

In today’s world, privacy is a precious commodity. By expertly managing privacy, your business can gain a competitive advantage, earning public respect and building trust with partners and customers. Managed Privacy Canada is here to guide you through this transformation, protecting privacy while improving your bottom line.

Managed Privacy Canada offers a wide array of professional privacy services tailored to your unique needs.

Our privacy services

Managed Privacy Canada offers Canada’s largest selection of professional privacy solutions

Book your free 20-minute consultation to discuss a plan to better protect your customers and employees personal information

Privacy Risk Sweep

Conduct a high level risk sweep for privacy gaps, ethical issues and privacy concerns to boost business reputation and competitiveness.

Privacy Compliance Review

Partner with us on a privacy program review in alignment with privacy legislation and regulations applicable to your industry sector.

Privacy Impact Assessment

Commission your unique PIA report, gain critical visibility into privacy risks of your projects with a standardized assessment of your processes.

Privacy Engineering

Leverage the gold standard Privacy by Design, to craft effective controls that deliver protection of personal information for your customers.

Visual Data Inventory

Book your session with an MPC Privacy Advisor to build your PII data inventory and establish a language of protection across your organization.

Privacy Awareness Workshop

Critically important training on data protection for privacy compliance and employee education conveniently packaged in 60-90 minute sessions.

Program Maturity Assessment

Accelerated review of the privacy posture of your organization with your own standardized Privacy Risk Score (PRC) trackable over time.

Privacy Policy Review

Professionally certified experts gauge your cookie use and determine your alignment with PIPEDA, CASL, GDPR, PPIPS and more!

Third Party Practices

Critically important training on data protection for privacy compliance and employee education conveniently packaged in 60-90 minute sessions.

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Access request form for Managed Privacy Canada clients

A platform to create and manage your Privacy Impact Assessments (pia). Access the tools and glossaries today.

Enhance your privacy management experience

Introducing the Privacy Dash mobile app

Elevate your privacy management experience by downloading Managed Privacy Canada’s Privacy Dash Mobile App. Enjoy seamless access to privacy services, planning, and projects right at your fingertips.

To get started, simply visit the Privacy Dash on your smartphone and click “Install This App.” Take advantage of the convenience and flexibility of managing privacy on-the-go with our user-friendly mobile app.

Privacy Dash Smartphone Iphone User

Explore additional methods for your Privacy Investment